When it comes to making changes in your life depending upon what those changes are, they can either be easy or they can be difficult. The way you look at the changes that you are wanting to make can have a lot to do with your ability to make the changes. I remember hearing that the things in life worth having do not come easy, you must work for them. I am finding out the truth to that. If you are working towards a healthy lifestyle then you will find out that it is not always an easy thing to achieve. It will require much work and dedication. I do believe at least for myself that it will all be worth it.
I have said before that I am a list maker. I make lists all of the time. There is something about making a list that brings me to a level of calm. If I have a list going then I feel that I will not forget anything. Earlier this year I decided to make a special list. A list of some specific goals that I have. I look at my list often and it serves as a reminder of just what I want to achieve for myself. I feel that by looking at my list often I will be able to stay on track. I believe that so many times in life we all have the best of intentions. We all want to achieve things but for one reason or another life throws us a curve ball and we get a bit off track. Sometimes we can all together lose our desire to reach a certain goal and maybe come up with another goal instead. That is OK. Life changes every single day. When you wake up in the morning you have another blank canvas to paint on in any way you wish! I have been able to keep a focus on my goals. I have also added new goals as I go along.
I have found myself being able to look at things in a different light. I am not so stuck on the scale. In fact I do not step on it as often as you would think a person with a weight loss goal would. I learned very early on in this journey of mine that the scale is not an accurate measure of success. In fact it is often the opposite. It can be your worst enemy! In our society much is made out of certain numbers on the scale. If you are not in a certain number range than you are considered less than. Whatever that means! I can tell you that for me being overweight is not easy. It comes with many bad feelings. It comes with many insecurities. It comes with looks from others and words that hurt. Simple things like going shopping for new clothes becomes a stressful experience. Self doubt can fill your head. I know all of these things to well. I have been working very hard to bring about change in my life. I have had to make time for taking care of myself. This was very, very hard for me because my job is to take care of my family. Not feeling healthy myself was a wake up call to me. It scared me. I had to do something about it. I had to change. I had to make different choices for myself. The changes I had to make were not easy ones.
I can tell you that looking back to one year ago I have made great strides. There is no way that I could have done the things I am currently doing last year. I have people ask me all the time how my training is going. I find myself explaining things to them. I always end up telling them that I could not have done what I am doing now a year ago. I have a very long way to go. I am not fooling myself. I am not close to where I want to be at all. The thing is that I am so far from where I once was that I am so proud of that. Everyone has good days and bad days. They happen to everybody no matter what they are doing in life. When a bad day comes along I have to remember all the good days that have happened. I think that is true for everyone. Sometimes it's easy to forget. I think it is important to be proud of how far you have come without being over shadowed of how far you have left to go.
Celebrate each little step of progress when it happens. Have you heard the saying " Rome wasn't built in a day? " Well life is the same way. No matter what your goals might be do not wait until you reach them to take pride in yourself. Be proud of every single step you take along the way!
Enjoy the entire journey! Life is a wonderful thing. Be happy, be proud and do whatever makes you happy! No goal is too big! If you can dream it you can do it.