It has been a long time since my last post. Much has happened during the past 3 months. My injury was finally diagnosed after treatments, X-rays and an MRI. I had torn my lateral meniscus. Let me tell you it was definitely something that I hope I will never do again! To say it interrupted my life would be an understatement! I really like my Orthopedic Surgeon. He is a very nice Doctor that takes the time to fully explain to you what is going on, what his plans are and what you can expect during your recovery. I ended up having surgery near the end of May. When the Doctor got inside my knee he noticed that I had much more damage than the MRI had shown. He said I actually shredded my lateral meniscus. I also had some bone damage. He cleaned up the bones and the actual injury. I was in and out of the hospital the same day.
Once I was at home my recovery began. It went very smoothly with the exception of me getting very sick one day from the pain medication. My Doctor had given me an exercise that he wanted me to start doing 3 days after surgery. He explained that if I followed this plan I would most likely not need any Physical Therapy. I really hoped to not have to go to therapy so I faithfully followed the exercise plan that he had laid out for my knee. I did 300 repetitions throughout the day. The exercises became a bit easier with each passing day. I am still required to do them everyday.
I went in for my check up a couple weeks ago. Things had been going along fine. The Doctor was very happy with my progress. I was given a list of things that I am not able to do anymore. I have to take it easy on my knee. With the shredding and bone damage I will have to be more careful of everyday things. which is very normal for anyone that has any type of injury. There will be some things that I will no longer be allowed to do at all. I will talk about that in another post though. I am trying to concentrate only on positives, things that I can do. I will also be adding a new exercise to my routine starting next week. I will be starting on the exercise bike at the gym with zero resistance. This is to help improve my range of motion. It is a somewhat standard exercise. He says that with time I can add resistance. Like I said I am just concentrating on what I can do now.
Last week I went on a trip with my dear friend to Disneyland. It is my very favorite place on this entire planet. We did LOTS and LOTS of walking. Some days my knee let me know it was not too happy but mostly I did very well. The heat is a factor sometimes with how the knee feels. I just had to make some changes and it all was fine. The trip was something that I believe helped me everyday prior to going. We all need something to look forward to. For me that was my thing to look forward too!
No matter who you are or where you are from we have all had things in life that come at you from left field. Sneak up and surprise you so to speak. It is all a part of life. I am just happy to be living my life everyday the best that I can. One of my daughters has a disease called Ulcerative Colitis. She has had to make many changes in her life over the past year. Some of the changes have required her to eat a Gluten Free Diet. She does not have Celiacs Disease. People with her disease as well as Chrons Disease often times have to stop eating any Gluten. Gluten is harder to digest. We have gone through many changes here at home. Separate toasters, separate cooking utensils, separate pans, ect. Cross contamination can be very bad. I am trying out many new recipes and I will be sharing them on my blog. I am hoping that they might be helpful to other people that have to be Gluten Free. I will be making a new post about this very soon.
The title of my blog is one that everyone can put to use. A dream in the making. Isn't that what life is all about? Dreaming new things everyday and working to make them come true. No matter who you are or what age you are there is always room to dream. Until next time…May all of your dreams come true!