Monday, August 26, 2013

Slow and steady win the race.....

In today's world filled with fast food, fast internet, fast everything it is very easy to expect everything to have a fast pace. It's human nature. People want what they want and they want it now. My children all lead active lives. It is my job to take good care of them and meet their needs. I enjoy being a Mom. There is nothing that I love more that being their Mom. When I was growing up I always knew that I wanted to be a housewife and a Mom. I learned from the best! My Mom is AWESOME! Being a Mom is not for the weak hearted. It is the toughest job in the world but also the most rewarding. All 3 of my girls often are very impatient for what they want. They want what they want and they want it now a lot of times. I get that. Again it is the whole human nature thing. Over the years I have tried to teach them that fast is not always the way to go. Sometimes we have to take slower steps and work towards whatever it might be that they were striving for. It is not always an easy point to get them to see or understand. As an adult there are times I don't understand it. I mean shouldn't results come really fast if you are working really hard? Well simply put the answer to that is a great big NO! 

I have been working very hard over the past 4 months to change my life. It is not an easy thing to do. It takes EVERYTHING that I have inside each and every day. I have very good days and then I also have very hard days. It goes with the territory with any big change you might be working on. For some people watching what they eat is never hard. Some people don't even have to think about what goes on their plate everyday. I am NOT one of those people. Food for me is something that I have to plan out. I have to plan ahead for everything throughout my day. I am on the run transporting my daughter to and from school as well as various activities and I can not be without a plan. I make sure I do not leave the house hungry because that NEVER turns out good! I find myself having good weeks and  S-L-O-W weeks. I don't want to call them bad weeks because that isn't the right word for it. I have not slipped backwards on my journey. I have to remember that the weeks that I might consider S-L-O-W are still weeks that there is progress. If you remember from back when I started my blog I said the the number on the scale was just a number. I will not be defined by a number. All that still holds true. I think that in this fast paced life it is natural to want to see results right now. It is hard to be patient sometimes.

How many people have been hooked on getting to a certain number on the scale??? I can tell you with great certainty it is most people. The world we live in stresses the scale and the numbers on it. We all see the models, the movie stars, the singers and people in magazines that are thin. We all hear about this new medication or this new procedure that offers ways of getting to that "number" quickly. In most cases it is all a scam. A way for these companies to make a quick buck off of people. There are many, many people that have to resort to surgical procedures as a way to help save their lives. Society would have people believe that being that certain number on the scale is what is acceptable. It is what everyone should be. I am here to tell you that is simply a bunch of hog wash! Who is ANYBODY to tell others what number on the scale they should be?

I can tell you from my own experience that I have allowed others over the years to make me feel less than  because I was not at what they considered to be an acceptable number on the scale. It is not a very good feeling. I made the decision a few months back that I was only going to concern myself with how I feel health wise. I was not going to be at war with the scale as I had been so many times before. The scale is a heartless witch! You can work like crazy and it will NOT move sometimes. It's as if once you step on it and settle in it shouts right up at you " HAHAHAHAHA" Well I refuse to let that happen to me this time! There are weeks that I see the scale move and then there are weeks that I don't. I had to learn to be OK with that. I had to trust myself with how I was feeling physically. I had to get in tune with my body. I also had to come up with a different way to measure my progress.

I decided that the best way for me to monitor my progress was to keep a journal. I started writing my weight each week. I only get on that scale once a week. I know many people get on it more than that but for me I will not do that. I also keep a journal of my exercise and of my food and water intake. I also keep my measurements. I have found that the truest way to mark my progress is from my measurements. I have seen progress over the course of this journey. It is a great feeling when I find that I can do something at the gym that I have never been able to do before. That is a great feeling of accomplishment. My Doctor told me that even though people want to see weight loss results quickly he does not. He says the faster you lose the weight the quicker it can come back as well as extra weight. If there is one thing I do not want or need is extra weight!He said that losing weight too quickly is not good for your health. He told me that a slow and steady approach to weight loss is the key. He said " Slow and steady wins the weight loss race!"

I feel that change, no matter what change you might be working towards, it is a process. It can sometimes be a slow process. To me progress slow or otherwise is progress! What ever your personal journey is just remember to keep going.  Don't give up!

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